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Well Known and Trusted Certified Driving Instructor Mike Moran Opens Driving School in New Jersey

On December of 2018 Mike Moran Ended his Affiliation with Pro City Driving School

Mike began to expand his services to work with doctors and physical therapist clients in need of specialized driving training as well as traveling to train individuals from other parts of the United States.  He continued to further expand his driving programs for Adults, International Employees & Au Pairs as well as ongoing instructing for individuals with Developmental Disabilities & various driving issues. 
In April of 2019, he decided to open his own Driving School, called ShiftAbove2, which expresses Mike’s goal of going beyond driver's education, to provide a higher level of driving instruction to students of all ages and to help students to improve their driving skills and knowledge. 


  • 6 Hour GDL & Novice Drivers Program
  • Road Test Preparation 
  • Au Pair Driving Program 
  • International Drivers Program 
  • Seniors Driving Program
  • Night-time Drivers Program 
  • Experienced Driver & Refresher Program 
  • Advanced Driving Program 
  • Manual Transmission Program 
  • Corporate Fleet Program 

Shift Above 2  services parts of Essex, Passaic, Morris and Union counties for more information call 973-879-4107 ask for Mike. 


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