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Top 6 Questions New Jersey Senior Citizens asked at our Senior Driving Clinic

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
Transitioning into Senior driving in New Jersey, can be daunting for some, and understandably so.  We are Americans and we love to drive. However, road rules change and new car technologies can be confusing at any age.  Being education may just keep you in the driver's seat longer. Which is why we created a Senior Citizens Driving Clinic. Some of the topics discussed during our clinics are state required re-evaluation, drugs & driving in the eyes of the law, driving performance with ageing, Intersections & Right-of-Ways, Time-space Management and so much more….
But what we found most interesting are the questions that were asked:
Question 1 At what age would I have to give up my license?
Answer: Currently, there are no laws that mandate an age for the surrender of one's license. This is an individual choice or family/doctor matter to determine.  Shift Above 2 can be contacted and business owner/ certified driving instructor Mike Moran is more than happy to provide a document that gives some guidance as to what factors to consider to help determine consideration of surrendering the license or correct lessons to improve the driving issue/issues.
Question 2  If I stop driving how will I live?
Answer: With Lfyt & UBer operating in most areas, that makes mobility much easier in areas where there are no bus or cabs.  One can always consider working errands and possible appoints around a friend or family members schedule. If possible, consider relocating to a Mature adult community or complex that offers possible transportation needs.
Question 3  Is it worth the extra cost to buy a car with more driver technology?
Answer: If you feel the technology is beneficial than "yes" as long as understanding how to use it is learned. Most individuals know very little about their cars technology let alone how to properly use it.  Shift Above 2 can provide a private lesson that will acclimate you to your car and driver technology. 
Question 4  I have medication I can’t stop taking even though it does affect my driving at times? 
Answer: Unfortunately, drug driving is just as equal to drunk driving in the eyes of the law.  If the medication is known or has the potential to affect drivers ability, then discuss options with your doctor or work driving needs around times that the medication has less effect on driving ability. The is high driving drugged. As a driver, the safety of the public, as well as yourself n is crucial.
Question 5  How can I avoid getting blamed for an accident because of another driver’s carelessness when there are no witnesses?
1st: Highly recommend purchasing a car DVR camera. Video is the best defence. Always face it towards the area of most concern.  For example, If afraid of getting rear-end or many times dealing with tailgaters, face to rear.
2nd: Whenever possible, try not to drive alone or when the risk is higher. Drive off hours if capable and avoid certain roads or traffic as well as adverse weather or road conditions.
3rd: If encounter this situation, Check all houses or buildings with a city block radius to see if there may be cameras that may have caught what happened.
Question 6. How can I avoid getting tickets when I drive alone?
Answer: "BE AWARE" when driving, and obey the laws the best you can. Consider brushing up on your road rules and things you may encounter or come across that you are not sure what they mean or how to handle. Whenever possible, discuss these things. Don't put them off until a situation occurs. .Knowledge is the best to help to make a"SAFE" decisions.

Wished you were at our Senior Driving Clinic?   Let us know you are interested in attending the next one call (973) 879-4107  


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