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Solo Driving Mask or No Mask? Covid19 Pandemic 2020

Photo by Talia on Unsplash As more and more people are out and about walking or riding bikes as well as individuals spending more time driving in their vehicle, people are wondering “Should an individual wear a mask while driving solo in the vehicle”? My comments concerning wearing a mask in the car when you’re the only one in it. As more and more States are lifting restrictions and now opening up, more people are increasing their daily travels by car. I’ve heard the question come-up on the news and through social media. I've been questioned about it myself and had numerous conversations on the subject since individuals are concerned that the virus is airborne and can linger in the air for up to 3 hours or travel in the breeze. I would like to pass on some advice to help those that are not sure whether to wear a mask or not when no other occupants are in the vehicle. Accidents occurring from people wearing a mask while driving is on the rise but there is no substantial da...
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Shift Above 2 New Jersey Driving School's COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Protocol

The health, safety and overall wellbeing of our students, and their families, and our wellbeing, is always our top priority.  With this in mind, we continue monitoring the rapidly-changing situation with coronavirus, responding to updated information as it’s available, with the goal of continuing to safely serve our students. We will do everything we can to safeguard our students and driver’s safety and will follow the guidance of the CDC and local health officials. In addition to following guidelines set by the CDC, WHO and local health authority, we have taken the following steps: We implemented enhanced protocols for cleaning and sanitizing our vehicles, including cleaning after each completed lesson focusing extra on high-touchpoint areas.  We require proper handwashing to reduce the risk of exposure after all personal travel when we visit public places during the working schedule.  We’ve emphasized what we can do to keep ourselves and others ...

New Jersey REAL ID Everything You Need to Know

WE NOTICED Longer Lines at NJ Motor Vehicle Commission as People rush to get the new REAL ID driver's License   Image by   Welcome to all and thank you for your visit ! ツ   from   Pixabay   There are approximately 6 million licensed drivers in New Jersey.  Anyone guessing how many of them will want a REAL ID?  Our guess is all of them based on our most recent trip to the MVC facilities the long wait times that range from 3-6 hours from the time we arrived before we departed the facility.  To HELP you if you’re one of the unfortunate individuals that have to make a trip to an MVC location and it's not to obtain a REAL ID, we will give you some tips to make the trip less of a wait and save you some aggravation.  The standard New Jersey driver's license after Oct. 1, 2020, can still be used for driving, receiving federal benefits and entering federal facilities ”that DO NOT require a showing of ID” to enter.  So, if you ty...

Local New Jersey Driving School Shift Above 2 is Giving Away as Many $15 Gift Certificate Vouchers as Possible from Now thru Valentine's Day 2020

Photo by  Sharon McCutcheon  on  Unsplash We created a gift you can give to yourself and somebody else.  The $15 Gift Certificate Voucher can be used towards any of our Educational Driving Programs:  6-hr GDL & Novice Drivers Program Road Test Prep Pro International Driver Program Night Driving Driving Refresher Program Au Pair Driving Program Senior Drivers Program Advanced Parking or Highway Programs.   All you have to do is freely print the below Gift Certificate by clicking on the image then print and keep it for yourself or gift the certificate to somebody else.  Feel free to save TREES and take a screenshot to share it on social media or email it to others, just be sure to mention the gift certificate when calling to schedule your driving lesson.   We have 5 out of 5-star rating on Google.  See what our students are saying about us on Facebook & Instagram @shiftabove2nj  ...

Are You & Your Car Prepared for a Harsh Winter?

Photo by  Devin Justesen  on  Unsplash When it comes to snow and winter driving make sure your “vehicle” is properly equipped to handle winter conditions as well as “you” ARE!   Winterizing your vehicle and having appropriate supplies on hand to protect yourself in worst-case winter driving situations.  According to the U.S. Federal Highway Administration: 1,300 people are killed and 100,000 injured on snow-, ice-, and slush-covered roads every year.   900 are killed and 76,000 are injured driving during times of winter precipitation (snow/sleet). Safety during wintertime driving depends on your ability to maintain basic vehicle control (like braking and turning) and control during serve challenging winter conditions.   Tire Pressure .   Tire pressure fluctuates as temperatures rise and fall. A drop of 5 psi during colder months will affect traction, handling, and durability.  Make sure your tire pressure is to...

The Dangers of Driving at Night

Photo by  Brent Cox  on  Unsplash As it gets closer to turning the clocks back, it will get dark earlier so its time to think about how the changes will affect your daily driving.  Road authorities agree that night driving presents unique challenges, increased risks and numerous deaths and injuries. Night driving involves more concentration, visual awareness and the ability to identify different hazards and make adjustments earlier than in daylight situations.  Fatigue  (drowsy driving). Knowing the signs of becoming drowsy behind the wheel is important and could potentially be lifesaving. Many of the signs are similar to distracted and drunk driving.  Alertness is drastically reduced and attentional resources become less available for driving. Just as it occurs with distracted drivers, for example, a driver interacting with a cellphone, cognitive resources are directed away from the task of driving...

Au Pair Tells of Her Transition from Driving in Columbia to Taking Driving Lessons with Local Driving School Shift Above 2

An Au Pair is often a young person from another country, who helps with light housework or childcare in exchange for room and board. They typically stay for one year, during that year they drive the family car.  This can be a daunting task here in the US since our roadways differ from the ones in their country.   Maria an Au Pair here in New Jersey and, one of our students, shares her experience:  My name is María, I’m from Cali, Colombia. I came to New Jersey as an Au Pair. I have been driving for 5 months manual and automatic vehicles in my home country and here in the United States.  I have some concerns about driving in the US, for example, one of my chores is to transport my host kid frequently and with safety. Then, I was worried about a lot of differences between drive laws and street signs system between both countries. And the last one, pass both text and road test, to get my drivers license.  My concern with my driving is ...