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Showing posts from July, 2019

What New York Drivers Need to Know Before Moving to New Jersey, Fasten your Seatbelts

Photo by  Julie Tupas  on  Unsplash There has been a lot of real estate development in New Jersey as New Yorkers move on in and why not.  New Yorkers, especially Millennials, can have a big city job and a suburban lifestyle at a fraction of the cost.  Photo by  Evgeny Tchebotarev  on  Unsplash The major difference between living in NYC and NJ is that in NJ having a car is a must in most areas, (99.9% for real) We put together a shortlist of information you will need to know: 1. Click it or ticket...always wear your seatbelt  2. Drive on the right pass on the left.  3. Wipers on Lights on. 4. Respect the Crosswalk  5. There are U-TURNS & Jughandles & Weave Lanes 6. Your 1st address will be your home the 2nd your Garden State Parkway Exit 7. DWI & Drug Laws are strongly enforced.  8. You must stop if passing an Ice Cream Truck to ensure the safety of pedestrians and...

Top 6 Questions New Jersey Senior Citizens asked at our Senior Driving Clinic

Photo by  Tim Mossholder  on  Unsplash Transitioning into Senior driving in New Jersey, can be daunting for some, and understandably so.  We are Americans and we love to drive. However, road rules change and new car technologies can be confusing at any age.  Being education may just keep you in the driver's seat longer. Which is why we created a Senior Citizens Driving Clinic. Some of the topics discussed during our clinics are state required re-evaluation, drugs & driving in the eyes of the law, driving performance with ageing, Intersections & Right-of-Ways, Time-space Management and so much moreā€¦. But what we found most interesting are the questions that were asked: Question 1 At what age would I have to give up my license? Answer: Currently, there are no laws that mandate an age for the surrender of one's license. This is an individual choice or family/doctor matter to determine.  Shift Above 2 can be contacted and business owner/ c...